Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Introduction of Myself

Nature brings about tranquility and peace to the mind. I love Earth's natural landscape and yearn to experience the beauty of sunrise in winter. This scene, which is always pictured in my mind, reminds me of the happiness and warmth of human affection during the cold and bitter time of troubles.

The very mentioning of nature reminds me of my other likings- animals. I like them a lot; dogs in particular. Even though I had been bitten twice and chased once by dogs, this group of animal is still in my favourite. In fact, dogs gain my outmost respect as they are special animals with 2 commendable moral values- loyalty and faithfulness. I seriously hate to admit this but it is a fact that some people are unable to project such great qualities.

I would like to stop here for now about my likings and officially introduce myself. My name is Yuen Hoi Yee and the schools which I had attended were De La Salle Primary and Teck Whye Secondary. I was in Anderson JC for the first three months in 03/07 with S01A as my subject combination. However, in pursuit of my aspiration which is to be a doctor, I switched to S02A and became part of the family of 09/07. As for my CCA, I am playing the yangqin(duncibel), a string instrument which has similar mechanisim as the piano, in the school's Chinese Orchestra.

Definitely, I hope the students in this class, my previous class, my CCA as well as myself, could enter a good university as well as our desired faculty at the end of our college life. The time to be spent in college will be short and hectic, but I hope all of us will be able to find things fun and enjoy the company of our friends while working hard in our academics and non- academic tasks.

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